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'Seek to do good to one another and to everyone’. Thessalonians 5:15

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Performance and Attainment (Exam Results)

Year 11 Attainment and Achievement (5 Years)

Year 11 Result from 2019 (%)Result from 2020 (%)Result from 2021 (%)Result from 2022 (%) DFE 2022 rules on Early entryYear 11 Result EXAM 2023 (%) 
[149 students Average KS2 = 4.61][121 students Average KS2 = 4.7][99 students Average KS2 SS = 101][94 students Average KS2 SS = 102][114 students Average KS2 SS = 104]
9-7 including English and Maths23.35.12.11
9-5 including English and Maths16.823.127.33027.6
9-4 including English and Maths32.251.248.544.647
English 9-73.47.410.191.6
English 9-534.236.434.33035
English 9-450.360.360.65559
Maths 9-78.77.411.11110
Maths 9-520.825.638.444.645.5
Maths 9-439.663.656.66162
Average total Attainment 833.6839.4340.4238.134.9
Progress 8-1.016NANA-0.83NA
Confidence interval P8-0.79 to -1.21NANA-1.13 to -0.53NA
Progress 8 (English)-1.12NANA-1.32NA
Progress 8 (maths)-0.89NANA-0.85NA
Progress 8 (EBACC)-0.95NANA-1.31NA
Progress 8 (Open)-1.19NANA-0.84NA
EBACC Standard Pass rate and (entry)4.7 (18)5.8 (7)7.1 (7)6 (6)0 (3)

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