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Subject Department and  Lead(s)

Subject: Art and Design

Head of Department: Mrs. Rachel Meredith

Curriculum Area Vision and Intent


Here at The Hereford Academy we have a high achieving and inspirational Art department. Our purpose built Art rooms provide dedicated teaching space for a variety of specialisms and boast a range of expert facilities to enrich our curriculum offer.

 We believe in creativity and personal expression nurtured alongside a fundamental knowledge entitlement in the formal elements of art, and contextual and cultural awareness. As a department we are caring, enthusiastic and energetic in our teaching style and seek to develop not only artistic skill but also vision, understanding and most importantly, enjoyment.


Curriculum Vision

Learning in Art, Craft & Design is rich in both knowledge and skills and  contributes to achievement of the curriculum aims for all young people to become:

  • Students imbued with curiosity for understanding the visual world; by knowing and understanding the origins of art styles and being able to interpret these independently to develop connected knowledge. Through this starting point they are able to be curious in their approach to their own learning.
  • Students who are generous of spirit are able to appreciate the importance of self-expression and are kind when participating in critique and group discussions and can consider the many differences within the art world, including the understanding of the origins of art, and cultural understanding.
  • Students who show wisdom in their life choices; by understanding the importance of art, craft and design within our history and how the world and its events has shaped the creative processes for many years.
  • Students who are passionate about their future and their place in the world; by knowing how the skills learned within art, craft and design has shaped the world they live in, the resources they have and the things they see as beautiful, meaningful and practical. As a result they develop a passion for observing, creating, recording, experiencing and developing their imagination through a range of personal responses.
  • Students who have the courage to follow their dreams and be ambitious to pursue a range of creative career opportunities.

KS3 provision summary



 In Key stage 3 at The Hereford Academy, we take students on a journey which enables them to develop both skills and knowledge.


The year 7 curriculum is focussed around developing drawing skills as a foundation for student’s learning in Art. We cover the formal elements of Line, Tone, Texture and Form as we learn about Japanese culture, the popular ‘Manga’ Art Movement and Portraits. 


Curriculum Map Year  7 Art.pdf


The year 8 curriculum builds on the skills learned in year 7 to develop formal elements skills in pattern and shape, and  knowledge of colour theory, as we learn about Mexican culture through the ‘Day of the Dead’ festival and study the amazing doodle street artist Jon Burgerman.


Curriculum Map Year 8 Art.pdf


In year 9, students learn to become more independent in their choices through the ‘Vintage Surreal’ project. They explore different colour media and design skills, whilst applying the knowledge of drawing acquired in years 7 and 8. The historical Art movement of Surrealism is studied, and the influence that the it still has today, through examples of working artists such as Danielle Richey.


Curriculum Map Year 9 Art.pdf




KS4 provision summary


OCR GCSE Art, Craft and Design


Portfolio project (60% of mark)

The work for the Portfolio is completed over four terms. All students focus on a personal theme, chosen by themselves. Students consider different approaches to this theme and are encouraged to work with a wide range of media whilst developing their own personal style.

Students’ work may be a combination of 2D, 3D, photography, mixed media or textiles. This course gives them the opportunity to experiment with materials and try different approaches in their art work, encouraging them to be creative and explore their own thoughts and ideas.

Discovering the work of different artists is a very important part of learning at Key Stage 4.  We consider many different types of art work such as sculptural pieces, print-making art, drawings, paintings and mixed media, and students are encouraged to explore both historical ad current artists in relation to their theme.

Students then bring all this knowledge together to realise a final outcome which shows critical understanding of their theme and artists.

Work for the portfolio must be completed by the end of the Autumn term of Year 11.


Exam project (40% of mark)

At the start of the Spring term in Year 11, students are given details of the Externally Set Task which is set by the examining board (OCR). The examining board provides a list of interesting and diverse themes for students to choose from. This is the starting point for their exam work. They will then explore ideas and consider ways in which to develop their theme using the materials of their choice, drawing on their experience learned during the coursework project. Next they focus on experimenting and using the work of other artists to inspire them. All of this preparation leads towards a final outcome which is the piece of work created under examination conditions (10 hours).

We also offer OCR GCSE Photography, which is taught in the same way as Art, Craft and Design, but covers digital photography, photo editing and mixed media.



Curriculum Map Year 10 Art.pdf


Curriculum Map Year 11 Art.pdf




Mrs R Meredith, Head of Art


Miss H Wigmore, Teacher of Art


Miss S Simpson, Art Technician


Extra-curricular activities

We hold several lunchtime and afterschool clubs. Unfortunately they will not be running presently, due to COVID restrictions.

These will be updated in line with Government guidelines.

Exam information and any revision support


We follow the OCR specification for Art and Photography:

Useful websites for all year groups:

U:\Curriculum\Art\1 Artwork for school Closures\websites for work at home.docx

Out of School Learning

All Year 10 Art students will be set personalised tasks by their teacher via email as they are working on individual coursework projects

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