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The Hereford Academy

'Seek to do good to one another and to everyone’. Thessalonians 5:15

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As an Academy, we believe that it is important that students wear uniform to school and take a pride in their presentation.  Uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of The Academy, demonstrating our values, particularly of respect and aspiration, and helps to provide a sense of identity and unity.  Consequently, all students are expected to wear uniform, correctly, and look smart. 


We are mindful of the costs of purchasing uniform and are pleased to confirm that the items below marked with an * are not required to be Academy branded items, but do need to meet the specification. 


Please note we reserve the right to send students home to collect / change into the correct uniform, unless a specific agreement has been made with The Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour and Attendance to resolve the matter.

General Uniform



Dark Purple Academy Blazer with Academy badge

Coats can be worn to and from school but are to be removed on arrival in school.

Black tailored trousers with hem width not less than 7”*

OR Henley pleated skirt with school badge (minimum 22” drop)

OR Luton straight skirt with school badge (minimum 22” drop)

Academy V neck jumper with Academy badge

Plain white shirt, formal style with collar*


House Tie (This will be provided all new students on their 1st day)


Black socks*

OR black plain tights*


Black shoes* (in accordance with the footwear guidance below.  Suitability will be decided by the Academy – trainers are unacceptable for any activity other than PE)


a school bag* for their equipment and books



Sports Kit

For PE, we want to ensure that uniform is comfortable and safe.  We therefore insist on the correct uniform, as follows:



Academy PE polo shirt

Academy PE ¼ zip sweatshirt

Academy shorts

OR Academy Joma shorts

OR Academy joggers

OR Academy leggings

Black base layer if cold

Trainers*, without logos

Black PE socks*

Safety Equipment: 

Gum Shield

Shin Pads

Hair Band / Bobble for long hair

Safety Equipment: 

Football boots (see below)

OR Astro boots (see below)


Footwear Guidance




3G Football Pitch Requirements

The Hereford Academy are proud the have the only 3G football pitch in the County.  Because of the special playing surface only certain boots are allowed.

  • ALLOWED: Standard football boots with round studs (moulded or screw-in studs without sharp edges). These can be bought quite reasonably in high street sports shops.
  • ALLOWED BUT NOT RECOMMENDED: Astro trainers ARE allowed but are NOT recommended.
  • NOT ALLOWED: Flat shoes including standard trainers as they will damage the surface over a sustained period.
  • NOT ALLOWED: Boots with only chevron shaped moulds and blades are strictly prohibited as they will cause damage to the pitch over a sustained period. Using these type of boots on a 3G surface could also lead to an injury.

Other items

Jewellery: One small plain stud which can be worn in each earlobe and a watch are the only acceptable items.  No facial piercing to be worn at any time (this includes retainers).   Other items of jewelry are considered health and safety risks and should not be worn.


Make up: It is not necessary for students to wear make-up or nail polish to the Academy.  The Academy will, however, accept students wearing make-up that is inconspicuous.  Students will be asked to remove conspicuous make-up. 


Hair Styles: Hair styles should be suitable to the working environment. If students’ hair is long then the Academy will expect it to be tied back for all practical sessions.  Hair, if dyed, should be a natural colour.  Students will not be permitted to attend lessons if their hair colour is considered unacceptable.  If necessary exclusion from The Academy will be considered.


Equipment: Students are expected to be equipped for learning with the minimum of the following items: pens (1 blue / black, 1 green, 1 red), rubber, pencil, ruler, pencil sharpener, protractor, pencil case and school bag.  Form Tutors will be asked to make regular checks on these items.



To help them store their belongings, each student has been allocated a personal numbered locker, located as near as possible to their form room.  If your child wants to use their locker, they need to bring their own padlock to school, along with both keys.  They should keep one key themselves and hand the padlock and other key to their form tutor.  Site staff will organise release of the locker to them and attach the padlock.  If the lock is a combination padlock, then your child will need to provide the combination to their form tutor.

Headteachers and authorised staff have a statutory power to search a student or their possessions in appropriate circumstances.  Should it be deemed necessary, student’s lockers may be searched and any relevant items confiscated. 

Second Hand Uniform Shop

We are mindful of the costs of uniform and are pleased to confirm that we run a second-hand uniform shop.  We have a variety of uniform and PE items, of different sizes.  We hope to add to the selection on a regular basis.  To visit our shop, click here:


We would welcome any donations of uniform or PE kit that your child has grown out of.

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