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THA Reading Programme

The Hereford Academy Online Library


We are signed up to an eBook virtual library call E-Platform.  Students can access this on any device. 


This link takes students to the page to download the app: 


Students can just login to E-Platform through this link: 


Their login username is the same as their school login (e.g. 18MooneyN) and the passwords are all currently set at Read1. If students change this then it must be to something they remember. Students have to select a book. They have already been filtered for each year group by E-platforms own settings for recommended reading material. Students will then click to loan the book. The loan duration will be set at 28 days. They can return the book and take out another book at any point before this time but are limited to two books at any one time.


Form Time Guided Reading Programme:


‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’ Dr Seuss.


For our new Year 7’s, over a four-year period, students will read upwards of 30 different titles across a range of different genres.  The importance of reading effectively is incredibly significant as not only reading ability is one of the best indicators of academic success, but by promoting and generating a love of books we believe that we will open doors to our students beyond academic achievement.


We have carefully selected a range of books that not only will improve students understanding of language, but that also increases cultural capital and enriches their life experience.  The books that students will be reading introduce a range of challenging themes and contexts to be explored and discussed.  We will regularly assess the progress students are making with their reading by implementing reading tests for students whose reading age is below their chronological age.  This will indicate to us the students who need extra support.


In addition to the form time reading programme, books are gifted to students by the English department for them to read over the summer.  New Year 7’s have ‘My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece’, new Year 8’s have ‘Of Mice and Men’ and new Year 9 have ‘Noughts and Crosses’.


There are several ways that you as parents and carers can support reading and the development of skills that support effective comprehension and word knowledge at home:

•  Encouraging students to read at a set time each day so that it becomes part of their daily routine.

•  Ask questions about the books being read in form about the plot, themes, characters etc.

•  Approach with sensitivity the delicate themes that are addressed in some books.

•  Model reading for pleasure by reading books in front of your children.

•  Play family board games that support the development of vocabulary and word knowledge (such as charades, Pictionary, Scrabble, Articulate, Boggle amongst many others).


To support learning and reading we focus on the development and understanding of vocabulary in all lessons.  You will find that on a regular basis extended learning at home will involve students learning how to spell, the definitions and how to apply in context a wide range of new words.  It is really useful if you support your child by asking them about the new words that they are learning.

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