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The Hereford Academy

'Seek to do good to one another and to everyone’. Thessalonians 5:15

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House System and Events

Each House at The Hereford Academy has been named after different cathedrals.  
Every House has a Head of House who is responsible for the care and well-being of students within their House.  Houses are intended to form a bond between students, beyond their year groups, and also promote and celebrate success.  
When a student makes excellent progress in their development, shows excellent habits of behaviour or learning, or makes a positive contribution to the school and its wider community, they will also help their House gain greater recognition.  
It is this spirit of healthy competition between houses that we hope will promote a positive sense of community within our school and, in the future, across the Trust. 
The Heads of House are as follows: 


Canterbury: Miss B Harris -

Lincoln: Mr T Watkins -

Salisbury: Mr R Webster -

Winchester: Mrs S Jones -

Head of Year 11: Miss A Ward -


What is the purpose of a House System?
The purpose of the House system is to further promote community, partnership and participation in school. The House system aims to do this by providing House members with enjoyable and competitive House events and House activities.  
Such events/activities will take the form of inter-House sporting competitions, House challenges and extra-curricular visits. In all aspects of the House system, participation will be rewarded as each House seeks to build its own identity, and develops a collaborative House and whole Academy ethos.  
The House system will operate, together with the curricular and pastoral provision at the Academy, to provide opportunities for students to develop the skills, experiences and attributes required to become well rounded and confident individuals. 
How will the House system be made up?
Each tutor group is made up of students from the year group and will be under the care of a dedicated Form Tutor.  Each tutor group will meet every day for registration.  
Points of Contact
Your child’s Form Tutor will be your first point of contact if you wish to discuss any issues. The telephone number of The Academy is 01432 373570.  If the Form Tutor is unable to resolve your concerns, you would need to contact your child’s Head of House. 
How will students be identified by their House?

Each student will be given a badge of the House they represent during their time at the school. House badges will be a part of the Hereford Academy’s uniform and must be displayed on the lapel of the blazer of every student. A student will remain within the same House from year to year.  The Academy aims to place siblings within the same House, for their time at the school, and we also aim to evaluate friendship groups before placing students into Houses. 
Updating you on the progress of each House
As the academic school year progresses you will hear more about the House system and this information will be communicated through school letters, via social media and on The Academy website although, most importantly and appropriately through your son/daughter, updating you with their achievements through the House system. 

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