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Careers Update - February 2020

The month of February has been packed full of careers advice and guidance for our students . . . 


On the 5th the HE Outreach Advisor came in to talk to the Year 10’s about three ‘local stories’ of young people that had taken different routes at Post 16 and beyond and into their careers.  The three professionals reflected on what went well and what they might have done differently, to help guide the year 10’s through their Post 16 choices.


On Thursday 6th we had an external provider ‘Positively Mad’ deliver accelerated learning and study skills techniques to Year 10 students.  Each student attended an hour slot and learnt various new skills to help their learning and revising.  Students particularly enjoyed the ‘mind mapping’ session which taught them how to remember a long passage of reading text.  They started out apprehensive about the task but surprised themselves with how well they remembered the whole text.


On Monday 10th we had Brian Rodgers from Hereford & Ludlow College come in to advise and update me on what apprenticeship programmes the college offers, entry requirements and how students apply.


Each month I attend a Careers Forum Meeting which all the Careers Advisors at the different Hereford Schools attend.   This month’s meeting was held at Hereford & Worcester Group Training Association.  This meeting was particularly useful when advising those students that were interested in doing an apprenticeship.  The Chief Executive of HGTA opened the meeting with an overview and informed us that they had currently 540 apprenticeships working in the County of Hereford.  More information on opportunities for Engineering, Business Administration and Accountancy was given and a talk from an apprentice from each area was given.   I am in the process of trying to organise these apprentices to visit the School to do a talk to Year 10 and 11 to enable them to gain first-hand information on what it is like to be an apprentice.


On the 13th Kemble Training attended the School to speak to a Year 11 student who had particular interest in doing an apprenticeship with them.  The student found this extremely useful and I had an opportunity of asking questions and to learn more about their application process.


On the 25th Hereford Sixth Form College attended THA to do the pre-enrolment interviews with those Year 11 students that submitted an application form.   There have been 49 applications made to the College. 


All our Year 11’s are currently attending interviews for their chosen training providers now and over the next couple of months.   Good luck 😊


On the 26th the RAF were invited in to do a presentation.  Those Year 10 and 11 students that were interested in gaining more information about the RAF were invited to attend.  We had 17 students attend and all found it beneficial and informative.


On the 27th I had a meeting with Laundau who gave me information and workshop opportunities that we could arrange for some of our Year 10/Year 11 students.


Don’t forget; any worries or concerns on your next steps after leaving school don’t hesitate to come and see me.


Rachel Davies

Career Advisor



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