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Wisepay - Important Update

Data security incident on the Wisepay payment platform


Wisepay, our payment partner for school meals and trips, have contacted us today to explain that they have experienced an illegal cyberattack which has potentially allowed criminals to access individual’s payment details.


You may have experienced difficulty in accessing their site this week, this is because the site was taken offline to put additional security measures in place.


We are waiting for Wisepay to provide us with specific details of any parents/carers whose accounts have been affected, however we are taking action now to contact all parents using Wisepay to inform them of the potential risk.


If you have used Wisepay on or after October 2nd 2020 there is risk that your payment details including card holder name, payment card number, expiry date and CVC number could have been illegally accessed.


Wisepay have advised users to be especially cautious and look out for unusual bank account activity. They also recommend taking prompt steps to pause or cancel the payment card used on the Wisepay site.


They have also recommended that users change the password used to access your Wisepay account.


Details on how to reset passwords can be found in the Wisepay section of The Hereford Academy website. The template letter to affected account holders provided by Wisepay is also included on this page.

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