Year 11 Parent Consultation Calls
1st December 2020
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 11 Parent Consultation Calls
Due to the current restrictions in place due to COVID-19, the upcoming Parents' Evening scheduled for Thursday, 10 December will now take place via telephone calls.
Calls will commence on Monday 7th December and will run up to and including Thursday 10th December. The call times are 3.45-5.00pm daily.
The telephone call is designed to give you the formal opportunity to discuss your child's progress and attainment in Year 11, with a member of staff. This will cover all subject areas and the allocated member of staff will ring back later in the week to answer any queries raised.
Your child's Head of House will also be available should you wish to discuss any pastoral matters.
Our Attendance Officer and Safeguarding Leads will also be available if you wish to speak to them for support with attendance and safeguarding matters.
Your support for your child's progress is vital to their success through school, so I do hope you wilt take this opportunity to take the consultation call.
Yours sincerely
Mr David R Edwards
Assistant Headteacher